Find a vasectomy Doctor
Show her you’re responsible
Get a vasectomy
We take the guess work out
More than a half of a million men undergo vasectomies in the US every year. The majority of men have no idea who the doctor performing their vasectomy is until they walk in the room.

The Vasectomy Institute helps to connect men that are serious about their reproductive health, to medical providers, “vasectomists” that are experienced at performing them. We will pair you with a physician in your area and simplify the process involved in obtaining a vasectomy.
We stream line the process by allowing you access to online education and to possibly skip the lines to get your procedure done. We also provide you with many of the things you will have to do before and after your vasectomy. You will view a video that discusses the vasectomy and many of its benefits and risks. Finally, we send you reminders leading up to the day of your vasectomy to prepare you for your procedure.
The Vasectomy Institute is here to help.